Curriculum Materials

The PBS teachers guide to the American Revolution is a credible resource that provides 6 lesson plans that take students through the American revolution. These lessons use videos, websites and other aids for learning. The lessons provide opportunities for students to engage in though provoking actives, work in groups and work with primary sources. PBS provides a chronology of the Revolution, a link to their mini series about the Revolution, various perspectives on the Revolution and a mini-game that will take student through the events of the revolution in an interactive manner. This is an excellent site to use at any point during the American revolution unit. 

The site also has a link to PBS learning center where teachers access videos, audio material and new lesson plans that meet common core standards. This site can also be used for other topics in history as well.

Teaching History is a wonderful website that provided strong lesson plans, reviews of successful teaching and several resources for instruction. Here you will find, visual aids, primary texts, interactive maps and computer-based modules to students to learn through online activities. It also provides lesson formats and scaffolding suggestions. This is a wonderful site for specific lesson plans within the American Revolution that will teach both content and academic skills.

The Library of Congress teacher's page provides primary source sets, activities/presentations, lesson plans, themed resources and collection connections where historical context is learned. This site uses the Library's collections and makes it accessible to all teachers. The site provides unique primary sources like newspapers and paintings as well as secondary sources such as audio clips. This material can be used in lesson plans dealing with historical context and building arguments with sources. The site also provides lessons plans to help teachers build objectives and assessments that meet the standards required.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rob,
    These are all good curriculum materials. I particularly like the one developed by the National Historical Education Clearinghouse on assessing the painting of the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere. It's a really interesting way to get students thinking about history!
    Thanks for providing these.
