Visual Primary Sources

Visual Primary Sources

The Bloody Massacre

A refurbished colored version of Paul Revere's famous engraving depicting the Boston Massacre of 1770. In this account the British soldiers are seen a malicious and deliberate in their attack of the American colonists. Even the writings depict the Colonist point of view in this event. This visual source could be used in an exploration of historical context and approaching an event from two differing perspectives. 

Washington Crossing the Delaware

This Image shows a depiction of Washington rallying the troops to cross the Delaware river and fight the British. The Image is part of the 5 part novel series , The Life of George Washington: A biography, by Washington Irvine 1856-1859. The image shows George Washington as a leader, a motivational force and hero for winning with such a ragged group of soldiers. The Image could be used as asocial exploration of how Americans viewed Washington to explore images and why they were presented in a particular way. It could also be used to explore the conditions of the Revolutionary War.

Battle of Bunker Hill

The Image of the battle of Bunker hill Can be a useful Primary Source. The Image shows the overwhelming British force and the distance between Boston and Charlestown, two important factors  in the battle. The image can be used to set the scene for the battle and show British tactics during the fighting. The Image provides a different source of learning for visual and spacial learners. 

The Declaration of Independence

This image of the founding fathers signing the declaration of independence was done by John Trumbull in 1817. The picture gives an expressionist portrayal of the signing of the declaration of independence. This image could be used to give visual representation of the figures of the revolution and amplify the importance of this moment. The painting could also be used with other images to show the differences in class, society and wealth from colonists to British officials. 

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