Visual Media / Literature

Visual Media / Literature

Visual Media

"The Crossing"

The Crossing follows the story of George Washington's military campaign during the American Revolution. The film goes in depth with battle strategy and morality of his decision to cross the Delaware river. The film gives great insight into conditions for sliders, the anxiety over supply lines and the real sense of war time troubles that Washington's army was experiencing. This film can be used to further examine the battles of the war, the character of soldiers and their treatment during the war. 

"The Patriot"

The Patriot follows the story of a souther Farmer during the American revolution. his journey from farmer to colonial military hero is somewhat graphic and brutal, but provides an example of warfare during this time. While The Patriot may be bias toward the infallible American colonist of the south, it does provide good insight and exploration of the use of militia by colonial forces, the overconfidence of the British during the war and the importance of the French to an American victory.


"The Turncoat"

The Turncoat is a fictional Novel that follows the journey of a British officer, Major Lord Peter Tremayne and his love interest, rebel Kate Grey. Through various encounters and dangerous situations these two end up on a collision course which parallels the conflict around them. The Turncoat can be used as different approach to history, which may help students who prefer fiction or love stories. The Turncoat give a great examination of the role of spying and espionage as well as personal relationships during the war and how society was affected.

"Oliver Wiswell"

Oliver Wiswell gives the account of a Tory living in the Colonies during the War. Wiswell proves to be a wonderful protagonist who challenges the reader to rethink the events of the War. The horrors committed not by the British, but by the colonist are highlighted and the preconceived notions of the "right and wrong" actions are questioned. This book can be a great tool for getting students to challenge their notion of history and start top think for themselves. 

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