External Websites For Research

External Websites For Research

Liberty fund

This website provided the opportunity for students to explore, biographies, journals, essays, pictures, documents and in-depth content of the American Revolution. The content goes into not only what happened but why, how and why it matters. This site could be a great resource for student to use when writing essays to support their arguments with other historians, gain beneficial information and use serval sources of information. 

National Archives

The national archives of the United States can be a great extra website to use for both teachers and students. This is great webpage to access photos, documents and records of history. This site is a massive tool for researching and bringing history tools to the classroom.

Our American Revolution

Our American Revolution provides detailed content into the many of the political, social, economic and cultural aspects of the American Revolution. Using various sources of documents, pictures and multimedia presentations, the website proves to be a fun and interactive way to learn about the Revolution. This site could be used by teachers in class or for assigning homework. The site can be great supportive content website that will help students grow their knowledge foundation in the American Revolution. 

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